Grinnell childrens choir performs at Mayflower Community

Grinnell Children’s Choir Sings for Mayflower

On Friday, March 15th, the Grinnell Children’s Choir directed by Erin Bustin and accompanied by Peggy Parker performed for Mayflower Community residents, guests, and the singers’ parents (!). Beautiful voices. Founded in 2017, the Choir’s mission is to educate choristers in grades K-4 in musicianship, vocal technique, choral skills, and musical interdependence and to instill…

Middle Way Farms Deal Presentation

The Middle Way Farm Deal

On Monday, March 18th, in the Mayflower Community Kiesel Theatre, Jordan Scheibel, owner of Grinnell’s Middle Way Farm, presented information about his Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. During the 2019 growing season—June through October—Jordan will deliver food boxes of fresh vegetables to a pick-up site every Wednesday at 4:00pm. Grinnell residents are welcome to participate…

Harold Tindal pictured with caregiver Tina Frascht

Care for Caregivers

There is a healthcare crisis in the making as the result of the aging of Baby Boomers. As a result, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) is starting a caregivers support group for residents. Eventually, it may expand to others in the community. In its March 4, 2019 on-line blog, “The Link,” the Iowa Department on…

character looking into a mailbox

A Short Story from Wine and Writing

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) “Wine and Writing” group is back at work, writing and critiquing. They now meet monthly to share their production and provide each other with feedback under the tutelage of Betty Moffett. Below is an offering from that group. John Graves has been a Mayflower resident since his wife Margery and…

photo of author betty moffett

Wine and Writing…Round II

After the initial group of 12 writers mixed a little wine with their writing and Betty Moffett’s guidance, nine Mayflower Community residents are back at it. The group meets together once a month to draft, read, and edit their short stories. At each meeting, two of the novice writers volunteer to read. Then the group…

board of trustee member Theresa Pagliai

New Mayflower Community Trustee

Theresa Pagliai has been elected to the Board of Trustees of Grinnell’s Mayflower Community. She will serve a three-year term with the opportunity to serve a second three-year term upon completion of the first. Steve Langerud, Mayflower Executive Director, says, “Theresa Pagliai adds depth to the Mayflower Board of Trustees. She understands what it takes…

protect your social security image

New Guidance to Avoid Social Security Scams

In its March 4, 2019 on-line blog, “The Link,” the Iowa Department on Aging writes, “Social Security scams are growing at an alarming pace. In 2018, more than 35,000 people reported being scammed for more than $10 million by Social Security Administration (SSA) impostors. To compare, in 2017 they heard from 3,200 people about SSA…