Matter of Balance course to prevent fall risks

Matter of Balance Meets SE*ED

Pictured above: Kayley Thompson (left) and Anne Sunday lead a Mayflower Matter of Balance through warm-up exercises. On Monday, July 29th, Anne Sunday, Mayflower Independent Living Activities Coordinator, and Kayley Thompson, UPH-Grinnell Wellness Specialist, will present “Matter of Balance” at the weekly Senior Education Program (SE*ED). The hospital’s long-standing SE*ED program, offers free health-related and…

Salsa Dance Instructor Silvia Ardila

Salsa Lessons and Dance at Mayflower

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) will be hosting four Salsa dance lessons taught by Silvia Ardila for residents, employees, friends, and other members of the public. The classes will be held on the Buckley patio on four Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30pm, beginning July 23rd. Attendees will learn “Basico” footwork and beginning partner turns/spins, using…

Mary Sunday

Remembering Our Mothers

The Mayflower Community hosted one of its regular “Story Circles” on Tuesday, May 7th. In honor of Mothers Day, the theme was “Memories of My Mother.” A number of interesting stories were shared by residents after a supper of soup and sandwich. (Unabashed plug for Mayflower’s homemade soups: They are outstanding and can make a…