MRA Town Meeting

The Mayflower Residents Association Meets

The association of residents living in The Mayflower Community held a periodic “Town Meeting” on Monday, June 20th. all of Mayflower’s 265 residents are members of the Mayflower Residents Association and invited to attend all meetings. At Monday’s meeting, residents heard officer and standing committee reports as well as the latest information from the Mayflower…

Mayflower residents eating strawberries and ice cream

Strawberries and Ice Cream at Mayflower

Never missing an opportunity to celebrate something—usually the seasons—with Mayflower food, the Grinnell community of 260+ residents did it again on Wednesday, June 15th. This time, it was fresh strawberries on vanilla ice cream. Earlier in the day, resident volunteers showed up with their pairing knives to stem and slice the strawberries. Later in the…

Too Many String Band plays at Mayflower

Too Many String Band Plays Mayflower

On Friday, May 29th, Grinnell’s renowned Too Many String Band played for healthcare residents of The Mayflower Community in the Carman Center. In the accompanying photo, you will note that the band front row is composed entirely of Mayflower residents (from left), Sig Barber, Sandy Moffett, Betty Moffett, and Bob Cadmus. Aren’t we all fortunate…

Mayflower Foodservices staff who prepared the French dinner (left to right): Rosie Mumm, Toni Hamilton, and Jacque Kirby.

Mayflower Presents a French Dinner

On Thursday, May 26th, the Foodservices department of The Mayflower Community prepared and served a special French Dinner. The offering, which was overseen by Foodservices Certified Dietary Manager, Jacob Staroska, included a seven-course meal and beautiful table setting. Components of the menu were: Cocktail Time – French75 Cocktail and Chicken Galantine Hors Oeuvres – Mushroom…

Pauline presenting

Memorial Day Reminiscing at Mayflower

On Monday, May 23rd, Mayflower Community residents enjoyed a presentation by former Activities Coordinator, Pauline McKenna, as she read articles and shared photos and patriotic items to commemorate Memorial Day. As residents reminisced about attending Memorial Day programs years ago, they enjoyed Pauline’s contributions. Included were a Precious Moments doll with a poppy, a GI…

MRA council meeting via zoom

Mayflower Community MRA Council Meets

The Mayflower Residents Association (MRA) held their quarterly MRA Council meeting on Monday, May 23rd via Zoom. This group of officers and standing committee chairs represents the 260 residents of The Mayflower Community, Grinnell IA. The agenda included status reports from each committee regarding their accomplishments and work plans. In addition, the Treasurer’s report presented…