Steve Langerud, Mayflower Executive Director, is shown below briefing residents on Mayflower developments. He is flanked on the left by Gene Wubbels and on the right by Linda Myren and Assistant Secretary, Jeananne Schild.

Mayflower Residents Association Meets

90 members of the Mayflower Residents Association, an active body composed of all residents of Grinnell’s Mayflower Community, met on July 15th in their periodic “Town Meeting.” The meeting was conducted by President Linda Myren and included presentations by numerous residents and Mayflower staff members. The membership elected a new President-Elect, Gene Wubbels. Gene will…

The Staff present the buffet table: Left to right, Sue Allen, Roxanne Wozny, Jean Lewis, Marilyn Starnes

Oh Wow. Another Mayflower Luau!

Dating back to the mid-70’s, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) has hosted an annual Hawaiian Luau dinner. About 15 years ago, the dinner was offered over two evenings due to its substantial demand. This year was no exception, with the special buffet dinner served on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, July 17th and 18th. Over 130…

Mayflower's Senior Strenght Group

Mayflower’s Senior Strength Group Marks One Year

The twice-weekly exercise gathering of approximately 25 Mayflower Community residents celebrated their one-year anniversary this week. Led by Kayley Thompson, UPH-Grinnell Regional Medical Center Wellness Specialist, the Senior Strength group has spent a few hours together each week hardening and fall-proofing in the Mayflower Sports Room, lower level of the Health Center. The group is…

Mayflower residents in the shade, left to right: Dick and Betty Weeks, Jo Entwisle, Mary Long, Addie Hanson, Sue Ahrens, and Jan Peak. In front right is Lance Veldboom, son of resident Norma Veldboom.

Faces In the Crowd

At Grinnell’s 4th of July parade, many folks watched the hour-and-half procession of floats, cars, trucks, tractors, and farm equipment. Below are some shots of Mayflower Community spectators. Pictured above: Mayflower residents in the shade, left to right: Dick and Betty Weeks, Jo Entwisle, Mary Long, Addie Hanson, Sue Ahrens, and Jan Peak. In front…

Photograph of 2 halos over Dallas in February of 1956

Moving to Mayflower to Keep Learning

Recently, Anne Sunday, Independent Living Activities Coordinator for The Mayflower Community, said, “At Mayflower we learn something new every day from our diverse and interesting friends and neighbors.” What generated this comment was a photograph that resident Beryl Clotfelter shared one day at the Dining Room table. See above. Beryl is Grinnell College Professor Emeritus…

Myaflower Community garden for residents

Mayflower Green Thumbs Are Producing

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) has available to its residents, a sizable garden patch on the north side of 2nd Avenue, between Broad and Park streets. Every spring Mayflower tills the ground, which has a water spigot in the garden. Residents take it from there. This year as in prior years, resident Katherine McClelland is…

mayflower ship

4th of July at Mayflower

Mayflower will be celebrating the 4th of July on Thursday, July 4th (coincidentally!) by enjoying the parade. Starting at 5:00pm near the Mayflower campus, just to the southeast at Hamilton and High streets, the parade travels west three blocks to Broad Street and then turns north to the southwest corner of The Mayflower Community campus…

Salsa Dance Instructor Silvia Ardila

Salsa Lessons and Dance at Mayflower

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) will be hosting four Salsa dance lessons taught by Silvia Ardila for residents, employees, friends, and other members of the public. The classes will be held on the Buckley patio on four Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30pm, beginning July 23rd. Attendees will learn “Basico” footwork and beginning partner turns/spins, using…

Mary Sunday

Remembering Our Mothers

The Mayflower Community hosted one of its regular “Story Circles” on Tuesday, May 7th. In honor of Mothers Day, the theme was “Memories of My Mother.” A number of interesting stories were shared by residents after a supper of soup and sandwich. (Unabashed plug for Mayflower’s homemade soups: They are outstanding and can make a…