Mayflower Residents discuss PBS film Children of Syria, led by Johnny Khuu

Video and Discussion at Mayflower

Last night (March 26th), Mayflower residents had the opportunity to see and discuss a PBS video in our beautiful and comfortable Kiesel Theatre. The movie was “Children of Syria: One Family’s Journey to a New Life.” In the absence of Mayflower resident and retired English professor, Harley Henry, the discussion was led by Johnny Khuu,…

Middle Way Farms Deal Presentation

The Middle Way Farm Deal

On Monday, March 18th, in the Mayflower Community Kiesel Theatre, Jordan Scheibel, owner of Grinnell’s Middle Way Farm, presented information about his Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. During the 2019 growing season—June through October—Jordan will deliver food boxes of fresh vegetables to a pick-up site every Wednesday at 4:00pm. Grinnell residents are welcome to participate…

character looking into a mailbox

A Short Story from Wine and Writing

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) “Wine and Writing” group is back at work, writing and critiquing. They now meet monthly to share their production and provide each other with feedback under the tutelage of Betty Moffett. Below is an offering from that group. John Graves has been a Mayflower resident since his wife Margery and…

photo of author betty moffett

Wine and Writing…Round II

After the initial group of 12 writers mixed a little wine with their writing and Betty Moffett’s guidance, nine Mayflower Community residents are back at it. The group meets together once a month to draft, read, and edit their short stories. At each meeting, two of the novice writers volunteer to read. Then the group…

senior strength training wellness classes

New Wellness Schedule at Mayflower

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) wellness coordinator, Kayley Thompson, has announced new times for wellness classes on The Mayflower Community campus. Active Aging – Assistance in using the Obermiller Center workout equipment. Thursdays; 1:00pm. Health Center lower-level. Senior Strength – Use of various exercise and assistive devices to gain strength, range of motion, and daily…

Mayflower story time - Anne Sunday telling her story

Oh, Can Mayflower Residents Tell Stories!

On February 25th, residents of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) shared a light supper of homemade soup and fixings in the snow-backdropped Buckley Dining Room. Then, they warmed up with each other’s stories of their youth. Neighborhood. Town. Friendships. School experiences. Expectations. A number of interesting revelations were made. These experiences shaped many speakers’ lives.…

Alicemary Borthwick, Art Heimann, Merle Zirkle, Nancy Hendrickson, Jo Entwisle, Dorothy Christinson, Lyle Kuehl, John Noer, Dorothy Noer, and Netia Worley enjoying Koffee and Konversation

Connecting Over Coffee

Every Friday morning, a group of Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) residents gathers over refreshments in what is called “Koffee and Konversation.” Typically, one person will bring a subject for discussion. Recently, it was, “So, what do you do on a snowy day when you can’t go outside.” These are creative residents! Pictured above in the…

Mayflower Community Resident Association elections were held on January 21, 2019

Mayflower Residents Association Slate Elected

On January 21st, the Mayflower Residents Association (MRA) elected officers and standing committee members for the 2019 calendar year. The officers are Linda Myren, President; Gayle Strickler, Jr., Vice-President; Kent and Katherine McClelland, Co-Past Presidents; Suzanne Schwengels, Secretary; Jeananne Schild, Assistant Secretary; Montie Redenius, Treasurer; Gene Herman, Assistant Treasurer; Char Ewan, Historian. In addition, 69…

Sue Vogel's kite

Vogels Go Fly A Kite

Dick and Sis Vogel have been kite-makers and flyers for a number of years. Living in The Mayflower Community (Grinnell, Iowa), they pursue their art, building frames and sewing skins for their specialized kites. Then, they travel around the country, attending kite festivals and competitions. When you tell them to “Go fly a kite,” they…

Neil Hewitt, Country Western Singer performs at Carman Center

A Little Country Music Please!

On Wednesday, January 15th, Mayflower Community residents were treated to a performance by country music artist, Neil Hewitt, in our Grinnell, Iowa Carman Center. Originally from Nevada, Iowa, Neil splits his time between Nashville and Iowa. He is a 2011 graduate of Iowa State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts. Having recorded a…