Greeting Cards display at the Mini Gift Shop

What’s New in Mayflower’s Mini-Gift Shop?

The Mayflower Residents Association operates a “Mini-Gift Shop” on the lower level of the Pearson building, 616 Broad Street, Grinnell, Iowa. Last week they conducted a highly successful half-price sale. Now, they are restocking. You might be interested in a bag chair, ideal for tailgating. How about a collection of ladybugs…not live, but candles, decorated…

Mayflower Mini-Gift Shop

Mayflower Mini-Gift Shop Sale

On Friday, August 16th, the Mini-Gift Shop located in The Mayflower Community will be conducting a Half-Price sale for one day only, from 9:30am to 3:00pm. The shop is a function of the Mayflower Residents Association and is located in the lower level of the Pearson building, 616 Broad Street, Grinnell, Iowa. In business for…

Bonnie presenting the “check” to Mayflower Executive Director, Steve Langerud.

Residents Donate Possessions/Mayflower Wins

The Mayflower Residents Association (MRA) of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell, Iowa) operates a retail store, The Mini Gift Shop. Operations are managed by a committee of resident members of the MRA. The stock is gifts of residents’ and friends’ gently used (some never used) personal items. The Committee gets items ready for sale, prices them,…

christmas cards available at the mini gift shop

Mayflower Mini-Gift Shop Holiday Open House

Mayflower’s renowned “Mini-Gift Shop” will celebrate the holidays with a special open house on Thursday, December 6, 2018, 9:30am to 4:00pm. (Think: One week after Thanksgiving!) In preparation, the Shop will be closed December 3rd through the 5th. During that period, it would be available by appointment, by contacting any of the Steering Committee members…