Lisa Adkins Enjoys Turlach Ur

Mayflower Appreciates Music in the Park

Residents of The Mayflower Community regularly attend Grinnell’s Thursday evening “Music in the Park.” The Grinnell Area Arts Council sponsors this 7:00pm event on the Central Park Stage. Most recent performers were The Grinnell Community Band and Turlach Ur Pipe Band/Scottish Bagpipe and Drum. The community band is directed by Levi Dressler. The bagpipers are…

Enjoying music in the park

Mayflower Residents Enjoy Music in the Park

During this recent favorable weather, Mayflower residents have been able to enjoy Friday evening’s “Music in the Park,” next door to The Mayflower Community. Coordinated by Mayflower’s Community Life department and assisted by volunteer Carolina Klauk Novaes, the outing was possible for residents from Beebe Assisted Living and the Health Center were able to attend.…