Delores Montgomery (left) and Kay Roberts join Victoria.

Music Therapy Continues at Mayflower

Victoria Suich is a licensed music therapist working for Music Speaks Therapy, based in Cedar Rapids. A native of Tennessee, Victoria lives in Des Moines. She works and hour a week with Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living residents. Victoria has been able to visit Mayflower in person for the last…

Gloria Clay singing along with the music therapist

Grinnell’s Music Therapist is Singing…On Zoom!

During the summer of 2018, a group of Grinnellians headed by Dr. J.R. Paulson started a music therapy program for Grinnell School students, UnityPoint Health—Grinnell and UnityPoint Hospice patients, and local seniors, including residents of The Mayflower Community. The Grinnell Area Arts Council became the fiscal and management agent for the program. Last February, Rachael…

Katie In playing piano in Beebe

Katie In Does Love Songs at Mayflower

Local musician, Katie In, performed love songs for The Mayflower Community residents living in Beebe Assisted Living on Valentine’s Day, Friday, February 14th. The program was an offering of the Grinnell Area Arts Council’s “Music + Health” offerings. Katie is the program manager. Through Music + Health, the Arts Council provides education services about the…

Katie In performs at Mayflower

Katie In is In at Mayflower

As part of the Grinnell Area Arts Council “Music+Health” program community offerings, Katie In performed some oldies on the keyboard in The Mayflower Community on October 10th. Katie, a Chicago native, is a 2013 graduate of Grinnell College in sociology with an emphasis in art and music. After graduation, she moved away, only to return…

Music Speaks therapy group

Music Therapy at Work with Mayflower Residents

Music Speaks therapy began at The Mayflower Community, Grinnell, Iowa in December 2018. The local music therapist, Kelly Robertson, visits our low-stimulus South neighborhood once a week to conduct a small group therapy session, which is monitored by Mayflower staff. Music therapy is a clinical- and evidenced-based practice conducted by a trained therapist. Non-musical goals…