Pictured are (left to right) Frannie Robbins, Katie Hoisington, Nadine Brouwer.

Still Picnicking at Mayflower

On Thursday, July 22nd, a day before it got hot, and in the shade of the Health Center gazebo, Mayflower’s Community Life and Foodeservices departments staged a barbeque for residents. Hosted by Tracy Woolfolk and Katie Pikul, Community Life coordinators, and Jacob Staroska, Foodservices Supervisor, a number of residents enjoyed the food and conversation. Pictured…

picnic diners on courtyard patio

Picnic Time in the Buckley Gardens

On Tuesday, June 22nd, Mayflower residents and a few guests enjoyed a BBQ picnic lunch served on the Buckley Courtyard patio. The 88 diners ate outside at tables or inside in the Buckley Dining Room. The entrée was a choice of grilled pork chop or barbequed chicken. Side dishes included potato salad, coleslaw, and watermelon.…

Pounch (Darrell) Rojohn at the grill

Mayflower Cookout and Music

Enjoying one of the last warm days of the season, residents and staff of The Mayflower Community were treated to a cookout and outdoor music on Tuesday, October 13th. A picnic on the Buckley Courtyard patio featured quarter-pound, all beef hotdogs; ground sirloin hamburgers; and brats accompanied by potato salad, coleslaw, and baked beans with…

Enjoying the State Fair luncheon are left to right, starting with Deena Wellborn in red, Carolyn Runyan, Gretchen Isenberg, Norma Veldboom, Sandy Beyer, Marilyn Schuler.

State Fair Picnic at Mayflower

On Wednesday, August 14th, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) put on an Iowa State Fair themed picnic lunch hosted by residents, Stan and Janaan Swann, on behalf of the Mayflower Residents Association. The fare, something like you would feast on trodding down Grand Avenue in Des Moines, was served in the air-conditioned comfort of the…