Grinch Travis Snodgrass with his five children, Macaeyla, Mackenzey, Brynnleigh, Smiley, and Haedyn

Santa and Author Visit Mayflower

Pictured: Grinch Travis Snodgrass with his five children, Macaeyla, Mackenzey, Brynnleigh, Smiley, and Haedyn. Santa Claus joined Mayflower Community resident and children books author, Marilyn Schuler, for a kids Christmas celebration on Thursday, December 19th in the Grinnell Carman Center. Santa had presents. Marilyn read from one of her books, “Mia’s Night Adventure,” and then…

Poetry Club commermorates Alex Moffet

Mayflower Poetry Club In Memoriam

The monthly meeting of the Mayflower Poetry Club was held on Monday, May 13th. It was a special commemorative session in remembrance of founding member, Alex Moffett, who died in 2009 at the age of 103. The tradition of the Club is that each member brings a poem they have written plus one by another…

Mayflower Community Volunteer Appreciation

Mayflower Volunteers Are Appreciated

Annually, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) thanks the many volunteers who provide support to Mayflower residents. Other residents, Grinnell community members, and Grinnell College students help in many ways: Driving, reading, companionship, worship services, audio-visual support. Of significant importance is the Grinnell College “Adopt-A-Grandparent” program, which pairs undergrad students with individual residents for a minimum…

Mayflower Community Residents Book Club meeting

Bookin’ It…And Discussing!

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) Book Club meets monthly to discuss the book that they have selected at their previous meeting. They choose books on a variety of topics. Mostly recently, the group read “The Common Good” by Robert Reich. Currently, they are reading “Little Heathens” by Mildred Armstrong Kalish. Pictured above are some of…

Lorene Morrison reading with a student from Bailey Park Elementary School

Bailey Park Elementary Readers

On Monday, November 19th, 20 Bailey Park 1st and 2nd graders accompanied by leaders Lisa York and Tony Farmer, joined Mayflower healthcare residents for reading and drawing. The students brought with them a favorite book, including The Mitten, The Ginger Bread Man, and Little Red Riding Hood. Students and residents were paired for individual readings…