Jackie Hutchinson

Therapy Providers at The Mayflower Community

Mayflower is partnering with Key Rehab to offer physical, occupational, and speech-pathology therapy on the Mayflower campus. This includes locations in the Health Center, Beebe Assisted Living, and a suite located in the Pearson building for independent living residents. Mayflower is now offering a variety of physical movement programs, in response to resident needs identified…

Mayflower Executive Director, Steve Langerud with Art Heimann

Steve Langerud Meets Kiwanis

On Tuesday, June 25th, The Mayflower Community Executive Director, Steve Langerud, presented the weekly program for the Grinnell Kiwanis Club. The service organization meets weekly on Tuesdays in the Mayflower J&B Bistro at 12:00noon for lunch and a community interest program. Steve was introduced by long-time Kiwanian, Art Heimann, who is a 30-year resident of…