Mayflower Community Resident Assocaiation Town Hall Meeting

Mayflower Residents Association Town Meeting

On Monday, October 21st, 87 Mayflower (Grinnell) residents and six staff members met to participate in the quarterly agenda of the Mayflower Residents Association (MRA). Resident associations are required by law in senior living communities. But, this one is REAL! The 287 Mayflower residents are represented by a leadership group and 13 standing committees that…

Miss Jeanette Tisdale, retired vocal and music teacher at her piano

“Miss Tisdale!”

While attending a play at the Amana Colonies’ Old Creamery Theatre on November 29th, Mayflower resident Jeanette Tisdale was greeted three different times with, “Hello, Miss Tisdale.” All three people were one-time students of this retired vocal music teacher and high school ensembles accompanist. Jeanette started teaching music fresh from the University of Northern Iowa…