A Matter of Balance

Get Into “Matter of Balance” at Mayflower

Do you have concerns about falling? Many older adults experience falls and other restrictions on their activities. “A Matter of Balance” is an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels. Enjoy learning practical fall prevention techniques and simple exercises to increase flexibility, strength, and balance. During the eight-week structured group intervention course,…

Greeting Cards display at the Mini Gift Shop

What’s New in Mayflower’s Mini-Gift Shop?

The Mayflower Residents Association operates a “Mini-Gift Shop” on the lower level of the Pearson building, 616 Broad Street, Grinnell, Iowa. Last week they conducted a highly successful half-price sale. Now, they are restocking. You might be interested in a bag chair, ideal for tailgating. How about a collection of ladybugs…not live, but candles, decorated…

Parkinson's Awareness logo

Dealing with Parkinson’s Disease

In conjunction with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) will be hosting three 45-minute sessions about Parkinson’s disease. This interactive program is designed to help participants recognize and understand Parkinson’s and learn therapeutic activities that can be used in the home. Entitled “A Journey through Parkinson’s Disease,” the offering will…

Mayflower American Mahjong players

Mahjong at Mayflower

The regular American Mahjong players welcomed a visitor in The Mayflower Community on Monday, August 19th. The two tables of players who play weekly in the Buckley building third floor lounge had a visitor, Gladys Beauboeuff of Miami Florida. She is the mother of Tamara Beauboeuff, the new tenured professor and Louise R. Noun Chair…

Dancers include from left, Food Service staff member, Marilyn Starnes; Gailanne Dill; Tim Dill; Matt Sonnichsen; Suzanne Schwengels; Darwin Kinne.

Salsa Dance and Venezuelan Dining at Mayflower

Four weeks of Salsa dancing lessons in The Mayflower Community Buckley Courtyard, culminated with a dance demonstration and a Venezuelan-themed dinner hosted by the Mayflower Residents Association on Tuesday, August 20th. The Salsa dance students led off the evening with a demonstration in the Buckley Dining Room. Dancers included instructor Silvia Ardila and her husband…

Grinnell High School staff playing human-sized bingo at Mayflower

GHS Staff Plays Bingo at Mayflower

On Tuesday, August 20th, approximately 35 members of the Grinnell High School staff made a stop in the Mayflower Community Buckley Courtyard as they “covered that square” on their “Bingo cards.” In the process of start-of-school orientation, the teachers and staff traveled around Grinnell by school bus, making stops listed on their handouts while serving…

Jennie Canfield celebrates her 100th birthday.

Jennie Canfield Turns 100

On Sunday, August 18th, Mayflower Community resident, Jennie Canfield, celebrated her 100th birthday that occurred the next day, August 19th. A reception was held for Jennie in The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) Beebe Assisted Living Dining Room. Jennie, who moved to Beebe from her home in Grinnell, recently moved to Mayflower’s Health Center. Her daughter,…

Mayflower Ship parade float

Mayflower Celebrates the 4th of July

On Thursday, July 4th, Mayflower Community residents along with many Grinnell area folks were entertained by Mayflower residents and a bunch of other locals during Grinnell’s annual Parade. Prior to the Parade, residents Debi Olson and Jo Bolton distributed hand-held United States flags to Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living residents and Harwich Terrace residents,…

city of grinnell curbside recycling bin

Recycling at Mayflower

As of July 1, 2019, the City of Grinnell (IA) no longer provides home pick-up for recyclable materials. The City is accepting qualified recyclables at the Public Service Center drop-off, 1411 – 1st Avenue (east end of 1st Avenue, down the street from Mayflower). Acceptable items (sometimes referred to as “single stream recycling”) include: White/Colored…