Front row (l to r) – Xindi Sun, Jiaya Chen, Tenzing Sherpa, Tino Tonogar, Rey Evans. Back row (l to r) – Steve Langerud, Reus Zhu, John Moreno Vasquez, Marilyn Schuler

Mayflower’s Tekkie Tutors Touted

Residents of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) have the luxury of being supported by young technical minds as they work with their electronic devices. Involved in a Mayflower program called “Tekkie Tutors,” Grinnell College students and Mayflower residents get paired up so that the former can assist the latter use cell phones and computers to…

Mayflower Community Resident Assocaiation Town Hall Meeting

Mayflower Residents Association Town Meeting

On Monday, October 21st, 87 Mayflower (Grinnell) residents and six staff members met to participate in the quarterly agenda of the Mayflower Residents Association (MRA). Resident associations are required by law in senior living communities. But, this one is REAL! The 287 Mayflower residents are represented by a leadership group and 13 standing committees that…

Mayflower Community Campus Map

Happy 68th Birthday to Mayflower

On November 20, 1950, the Board of Directors of the Iowa Conference of the Congregational Church (now United Church of Christ) approved sponsorship of a senior living community in Grinnell, Iowa. 68 years ago! On the corner of 2nd Avenue and Broad Street, the first building was the home donated by Ferdinand Kiesel, which was…