Victoria Collins helping Karen Packard with IT

Mayflower Is Doing “IT” with Residents

In this time of heightened electronic communications, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) has been offering a helpful service to its residents, “‘IT’ with You and Me.” Victoria Collins, Mayflower’s Community Development and Well-Being Coordinator, offers one-on-one technology training sessions to provide instruction in the use of Zoom®, iPhones, other “smart” cellular devices, and personal computers.…

GMRC employees, Barb Baker, Allisa Stallman and Holly Tracy holding laptops

Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company Helps Mayflower with Grant

Pictured above: Holding the new Mayflower computer laptops from left are Tracy Woolfork, Activities Supervisor; Allisa Stallman, CNA and full-time pre-med student at the University of Dubuque; Holly Thomas RN, Director of Health Services; and Barb Baker, Director of Advertising and Community Relations at Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company. The Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company (GMRC) has…