group of ladies dining on Nancys pation

Mayflower Takes Another Step Out of Pandemic

In a June 24th letter to residents and staff of The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA), Executive Director, Steve Langerud, announced changes to the face masking and visitor policies. Citing guidance from regulators along with the improving status of the pandemic, Langerud noted that Mayflower is relaxing a few precautions that have been in place. Because…

Bob & Dot Anderson getting vaccinations

The Mayflower Community Vaccinations

On Friday, February 5th, The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living residents and staff received their second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. A few staff members received their first dose that day. A total of 135 doses were administered to this group. In addition, 190 independent living residents received their…

Julie Smith receives her Covid-19 vaccination

Mayflower Vaccinates for COVID-19

On Thursday, January 15th, The Mayflower Community received COVID-19 vaccines for Health Center and Beebe Assisted Living residents and employees. CVS Pharmacies administered the Pfizer vaccine. All healthcare residents chose to get the vaccine, with the exception of a couple who had doctors’ excuses. About 75% of regular employees were vaccinated or are waiting until…