Mayflower Homes Walking Group

Group Walking Again in The Mayflower Community

Even though the weather has been a little uncooperative, Mayflower residents led by Katie Pickul, Mayflower’s Community Life and Wellness Coordinator, have reinstated “Walking Groups.” There are two levels of walkers—fast and casual. Each group meets two days a week to walk together around the Mayflower campus when the weather is conducive. For the faster…

Mayflower Community Walking Map

Indoor Walking Options

As inclement weather approaches, here are two Grinnell walking exercise options to consider. The City of Grinnell is offering free use of the indoor track at the Grinnell Athletic and Recreation Center (GARC), 1500 Penrose Street, to Grinnell citizens who are 60 years of age and older. When you visit, they will collect contact information…

Off to the Races: Front row (l to r) Connie Osborn and Karen Stevenson. Back row (l to r) Linda Myren, Helen Lippincott, and Greg Buntz.

The Weather Didn’t Stop Us!

Off to the Races: Front row (l to r) Connie Osborn and Karen Stevenson. Back row (l to r) Linda Myren, Helen Lippincott, and Greg Buntz. The weather outside was frightful (rainy, cold, windy). That didn’t stop residents, staff, and family members of The Mayflower Community from conducting a venture to celebrate the Healthiest State…