senior strength training wellness classes

New Wellness Schedule at Mayflower

The Mayflower Community (Grinnell IA) wellness coordinator, Kayley Thompson, has announced new times for wellness classes on The Mayflower Community campus. Active Aging – Assistance in using the Obermiller Center workout equipment. Thursdays; 1:00pm. Health Center lower-level. Senior Strength – Use of various exercise and assistive devices to gain strength, range of motion, and daily…

senior strength training class

Staying Fit

Residents of The Mayflower Community, Grinnell, Iowa are staying fit and flexible by participating in a twice-weekly exercise class called “Senior Strength.” The class is led by certified Wellness Specialist, Kayley Thompson. Kayley, an employee of UPH-Grinnell Regional Medical Center, spends time each week at Mayflower conducting wellness classes. The Senior Strength class starts with…