Mayflower's Senior Strenght Group

Mayflower’s Senior Strength Group Marks One Year

The twice-weekly exercise gathering of approximately 25 Mayflower Community residents celebrated their one-year anniversary this week. Led by Kayley Thompson, UPH-Grinnell Regional Medical Center Wellness Specialist, the Senior Strength group has spent a few hours together each week hardening and fall-proofing in the Mayflower Sports Room, lower level of the Health Center. The group is…

senior strength training class

Staying Fit

Residents of The Mayflower Community, Grinnell, Iowa are staying fit and flexible by participating in a twice-weekly exercise class called “Senior Strength.” The class is led by certified Wellness Specialist, Kayley Thompson. Kayley, an employee of UPH-Grinnell Regional Medical Center, spends time each week at Mayflower conducting wellness classes. The Senior Strength class starts with…