Chapel Service of Music

Changing Face of Worship at Mayflower

Beginning in January 2023, Grinnell’s Mayflower Community will change the way it offers worship services to residents and guests. For many years, somewhat curtailed during the pandemic, Chapel services have been offered every Tuesday morning. Led by local clergy or other persons of faith, the 30-minute service included a message, songs, and meditation or prayer.…

Eric Shubert meeting with residents

Worship During the Pandemic

So, how do you worship during the pandemic? Houses of worship closed. Social distancing. Face masks. Restrained singing. Limited pastoral visits. It is difficult. As some houses of worship are slowly reopening, the safest venue continues to be ONLINE. In addition, some faith groups are finding ways to gather safely. As you can see in…

distance walking for exercised at Mayflower community logo

Indoor Events Hosted Every Week

Every Week! Today, the temperature is dropping, rain is expected to turn to snow, and the wind is gusting. Not a great time to be outdoors—for church or exercise. For those living at Mayflower, our indoor system of tunnels, breezeways, and a skywalk provide a cozy walking path of three city blocks without backtracking. Each…