Vogels Go Fly A Kite

Dick and Sis Vogel have been kite-makers and flyers for a number of years. Living in The Mayflower Community (Grinnell, Iowa), they pursue their art, building frames and sewing skins for their specialized kites. Then, they travel around the country, attending kite festivals and competitions. When you tell them to “Go fly a kite,” they are likely to do so!

Pictured below is Sis “flying” in the South Padre Island Kite Festival on the weekend of February 9th. They are now near Corpus Christi and will be participating in another kite festival there later this month. Dick and Sue own over 70 kites, traveling around the country with a group of “kite people.” A few years ago, they attended an event in France. Friends tell us that if you want access to the VIP section at any kite festival, just tell the officials that you “are with the Vogels!”

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director

Sis “flying” in the South Padre Island Kite Festival