Wine and Writing…Round II

After the initial group of 12 writers mixed a little wine with their writing and Betty Moffett’s guidance, nine Mayflower Community residents are back at it. The group meets together once a month to draft, read, and edit their short stories. At each meeting, two of the novice writers volunteer to read. Then the group members comment on what they have heard with suggestions for change, highlights, and compliments. After this step, the writer responds.

Participating in “Round II” are Doug Cameron, Beryl Clotfelter, Jo Entwisle, John Graves, Marge Graves, Tommy Haas, Marvel LaCasse, Sandy Moffett, and Marilyn Schuler. Pictured above is the course leader, Betty Moffett.

Tomorrow this page will publish the first of these writings, “Delly Poage vs. The U.S. Postal Service.”

— Bob Mann, Sales & Marketing Director